Ashtar speaking at the October 17th Teleconference:
"..Let's picture, shall we say, a flock of animals. Now there is a leader, but there is much vying, and difference of opinion, about who the leader really should be, and so they're just all kind of scurrying around, looking here, looking there, trying to see if they're it, trying to see if they are the one that is going to pull this all together...
"Now they may still be scurrying around trying to be the leader, and trying to do this, and pull this one out of the hat, and all of those kinds of things. You will notice that the voices are feeling so afraid, and so attacked on so many sides, that they hardly know which lie to pull out of the hat to try to cover up which scandal next. Hah! And so there's a bit of trying to sweep it under the rug, but the more they do that the more it comes out the other side. Picture that rug: in go a few little crumbs, and out comes a dust storm. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! And see the beams of light.
"You know a dust storm is a great place to see beams of light, and see all of the colors of truth coming out. This is what we are creating even now, as Family, this grand Truth. We've been spinning Excalibur a few times. It has had marvelous results upon the planet. Excalibur being the Sword of Truth; and we have been sending the Blue Flame quite regularly over the planet. And when I say we, we are talking about the One we all are...
"Just let us say how thanked you are, and how loved you are as representatives of all of the wondrous stars, and planets, and galaxies, from which your Spirits truly came. And you volunteered to bring these wondrous spirits you are into these bodies now, to be a part of the grandest process that Earth and beyond has ever engaged in, and that of course is the Ascension process...
"..Feel the Light that shines within each and every one of you, and open up your hearts to even more. Because as you send it out, you bring it back in. It's the law, you know. It's a universal law, and there is no man, or woman upon planet Earth who has any effect whatsoever, who can stop that law, or bend it, or write a new one if they feel so inclined, or any of that nonsense. This is a universal law; use it, and put it into action more than ever. This is the time. Oh yes, we know there has been some impatience. Those of you most particularly in the Americas, have been somewhat impatient with those at the top of your government, you know those ones I was describing a while ago.
"And you may think, 'Well Ashtar that's an interesting thing, so they're all running around trying to find leadership within themselves; what does that mean?" Well it simply means their controllers, those that controlled them, the puppet masters, if you will, are gone. They have been programmed to obey those who are no longer here to pull on their strings. Now you're getting it, aren't you? They are dis-empowered. The only power that they can claim now, is if you give it to them. Give them Love.
"Create in your visions, if you will, a giant Christmas tree, in the ground, living, happy to serve. See it light up with its own lights, and the lights of all of the Love that it receives as a member of Mother Gaia's kingdom. Now walk up to that tree, and put a package under that tree for these ones that we are speaking of. What's in that package? Surely not a bomb; that's their ways. We are of the Light, this family of ours. So what is in there but Love, and the Light of Love, the most powerful gift that you can give.
"And the only hope that goes with it, if you wish to call it hope, is that they will open it, and accept it. That's their choice. They're free to leave it there perhaps for a while, you know, check their parcel under the Christmas tree type of thing, and perhaps wait for a time when they're more comfortable with it.
"But look, look at all of them coming out of the forest around the trees, and look at them going up, and accepting those packages. Let them pick them up, let them open them. Let them find their Love, and their Light. And while it is true that some of them will set it down, and continue to grope around in the darkness, look at all of the ones who now, with the help of this marvelous ray, who now can pick up that package of Love Light, and say, 'Thank you beloved ones. I am one with you. I am coming home to the Spirit I AM. Thank you, beloveds, for co-creating this wondrous experience.' .."
Excerpt from Ashtar Teleconference October 17, 2006
© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.